PATERSON, N.J. — J&K Ingredients has acquired the manufacturing, distribution and marketing operations of Technical Oil Products, Easton, Pa., including its Toptex brand that specializes in emulsifiers and release agents for the baking industry. The acquisition will benefit both J&K Ingredients’ domestic and international customers, said James Sausville, president and owner of the 110-year-old ingredient supplier. "The addition of these products gives us a more competitive edge while allowing us to offer a greater realm of services," he said. "We continue to move closer to our corporate mission in becoming the leading supplier of the highest-quality ingredients to the baking industry." During the 45-plus years Technical Oil served the baking industry, it witnessed many changes and believes J&K is best served in helping move its brands forward. "J&K Ingredients is a company of impeccable standing, dedicated to the same principles of quality and service that you’ve come to expect from Technical Oil Products over the years, but the with the added benefit of AIB certification and greater resources available to aid customer audits," said Patricia Bruno, president of Technical Oil, and Glen Geisler, vice-president, in a letter to its customers.