SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA — The Australian Food and Grocery Council (A.F.G.C.) has launched the Australian Breakfast Cereal Manufacturers Forum (A.B.C.M.F.), a new group that brings together Australia’s largest breakfast cereal makers to promote the health benefits and value that breakfast cereal offers to Australian consumers.
The forum includes Carman’s Fine Foods, Freedom Foods, Kellogg Australia, Nestle Australia, Popina Foods and Sanitarium, which together combine to produce approximately 80% of the breakfast cereal purchased in Australia.
Working together under the umbrella of the A.B.C.M.F., the companies are expected to improve the understanding of breakfast cereals by: proactively emphasizing the benefits of breakfast cereals; engaging in a positive dialogue with stakeholders and consumers; and highlighting the benefits of breakfast cereals and correcting misinformation.
Gary Dawson, chief executive of the A.F.G.C., said the initiative will provide evidence-based, practical information for Australians on the benefits of breakfast cereals.
“Through continued education, the A.B.C.M.F. aims to improve consumers understanding of the important role that breakfast cereal can play as part of a healthy, balanced diet,” Mr. Dawson said. “A healthy start to the day is important and breakfast cereals represent the most cost effective, nutritious way to get your day off to a good start.”