MINNEAPOLIS — Ag Growth International, a manufacturer of portable and stationary grain handling, storage and conditioning equipment, has contributed $100,000 to the GEAPS Foundation. The contribution is the largest to date by a grain industry equipment, service or technology solutions supplier company to the GEAPS Foundation Professional Development Programs Endowment Fund. The GEAPS Foundation was established in 2011 as a way to secure funds to support GEAPS’ training for grain and processing industry operations professionals.
“It is in everyone’s best interest to develop trusted, credible and reliable training on operational best practices for our industry,” said Gary Anderson, president and chief executive officer, Ag Growth International. “It will encourage the next generation of grain system designers and operators to seek high quality safe and efficient solutions. We at AGI are very proud to participate in this very creative and worthwhile initiative.”
The GEAPS Foundation is working to raise $4 million over five years to support the GEAPS/K-State Distance Education Program. All money raised will go to the Foundation’s Professional Development Programs Endowment Fund, which will provide a sustainable funding resource for the enhancement and expansion of the GEAPS/K-State course offerings.
The GEAPS/K-State Distance Education Program provides on-line, peer-reviewed courses taught by grain industry leaders in operations safety and grain quality management, facility design, materials handling and equipment maintenance.
“Everyone in the grain industry can benefit from the GEAPS/K-State courses,” said Bill Lyster, GEAPS International Board chair and special projects manager at Ag Partners. Mr. Lyster said 16% of course participants are from grain industry operations supplier companies.