WESTCHESTER, ILL. — Ingredion Inc. has launched an on-line cost reduction calculator for the baking industry. The calculator demonstrates specific cost savings when reducing a percentage of fat in a baking system and replacing it with Homecraft Create 765 functional flour.
Ingredion has calculated savings of up to 7c per 18-oz box of dry mix and 4c per unit of ready-to-eat baked goods when 25% of the shortening or fat is replaced with Homecraft Create 765. For example, if a manufacturer were to produce 2 million units of a dry mix, the cost savings would amount to $140,000, according to Ingredion. The calculations are based on available industry ingredient costs at the time of publication. Each baked goods company’s cost may vary.
“Equally important, there is little or no impact on taste and texture,” said Patrick O’Brien, bakery marketing manager for Ingredion. “We’ve done extensive sensory evaluation of the many properties that go into good eating qualities of indulgent baked goods, like brownies.
“We’ve plotted all of these characteristics and compared a traditional full-fat dry mix brownie with our 25% and 60% fat reduction samples, matching properties such as fatty/greasy mouthcoat, chewiness and hardness — first bite, plus the other seven properties that define desirable texture in baked goods. The bottom line: dry mix manufacturers can reduce fat by 25% or more and still deliver to their customers the indulgence, chewiness and satisfaction they expect when they bite into an indulgent baked good.”
Ingredion said Homecraft Create 765 may be used to reduce fat and cut costs in many types of products, including quick bread, cakes, cookies and brownies. It is considered a “clean label” solution that does not require changing the ingredient listing, as it is simply labeled “wheat flour.”
The fat reduction cost calculator is being demonstrated at the I.B.I.E. Baking Expo in Las Vegas, Oct. 6-9, booth 11437 and may be found on the Ingredion web site or by clicking on this link:http://www.foodinnovation.com/foodinnovation/en-us/Innovations/Value%20Matters/Pages/Bakery2.aspx.