PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Ody Maningat and Terry Nelsen were honored for joining AACC International’s Fellows Program at the organization’s annual meeting in Providence on Oct. 5.
Dr. Maningat is vice-president of R.&D. and technical services at Manildra Milling Corp. and adjunct facility at the Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kas. He previously was vice-president, applications technology and technical services, at MGP Ingredients, Inc., Atchison, Kas. He has published a book, 31 papers and 41 patents.
Dr. Maningat received a bachelor’s of science in chemistry at Adamson University in the Philippines, a master’s of science in agricultural chemistry at the University of the Philippines and a Ph.D. in grain science from Kansas State University.
Mr. Nelsen has served as a statistical resource for AACC International and is a consultant to the Approved Methods Committee. He organized and was the initial chair of the Statistics Committee. Mr. Nelsen is retired from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service.
The Fellows Program honors association members who have made distinguished contributions to the field of cereal science and technology in research, industrial achievement, leadership, education, administration, communication or regulatory affairs.
Other award winners included:
• Carl Wilhelm Brabender Award — Juan de Dios Figueroa Cárdenas, a professor who works with the bio-organics materials group at the Center for Advanced Studies and Research of the National Polytech Institute in Querétaro, Mexico. The award honors contributions to the application of rheology in milling and baking.
• Edith Christensen Award for Outstanding Contributions to Analytical Methodology — Elaine Sopiwynyk, director of science and innovation at Cigi.
• Excellence in Teaching Award — Les Copeland, professor of agriculture at the University of Sydney in Australia.
• Texture Technologies Quality Research Awards — Robert Anderssen, president of the Australian Mathematical Society, won the Best Paper Award for “Rheological Hardness Index for Assessing Hardness of Hexaploids and Durums,” which was published in the September issue of Cereal Chemistry.
• William F. Geddes Memorial Award — Laura Hansen, Ph.D., senior principal scientist for GTECH, Grain Technology International, General Mills, Minneapolis. The award honors “the zeal and unselfish industry of an individual member and emphasizes the importance of his or her contributions to the work of the association,” according to AACCI. It is named for the group's 1938-39 president and was created in 1961. The name of the recipient is kept secret until announced at the opening session. Dr. Hansen is a past-treasurer and secretary of AACCI. She also served on numerous committees and panels.