In a high-speed, technologically advanced bakery, a company needs its mechanics to always be on their A-game. When Turano Baking started up its Orlando, Fla., bakery in 2009, however, finding multi-skilled people took some work.
“We started out with a lot of B- and C-class mechanics,” said Jeff Kozloski, plant engineer. “Now, they’re almost all A-class mechanics.”
What’s the difference among the classes? C-class mechanics have fundamental mechanical skills and are handy around wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools. B-class mechanics also have bakery experience and electrical backgrounds.
“They’re able to do control circuit troubleshooting and basic PLC troubleshooting,” Mr. Kozloski said.
A-class mechanics must have every skill the B class mechanic has but also at least two years of bakery experience and PLC skills.
“A-class mechanics should never have to call for help, and if they do, it’s a serious problem where we need to call in a lot of help,” he noted.
It’s very rare that an A-class candidate shows up at the bakery applying for a job. As a result, Turano Baking set up a training area in its maintenance shop that houses all of the tools to allow mechanics to step up their games to the A level.