POCATELLO, IDAHO — Driscoll Management Corp., an Aberdeen, Idaho-based company with businesses that include Driscoll Brothers, Driscoll Potato, Inc. and Highway 39, has acquired Harper’s Homemade Bread.
Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
Founded in 2001, Harper’s Homemade Bread offers three types of bread: white, honey wheat and bran. The company’s products are sold in various Albertsons, Ridleys, Stokes, Costco, WinCo, Kings, Broulim’s, and Macy’s stores across Idaho and Utah, with plans to expand to other areas.
“To ensure freshness, Harper’s breads remain in your grocer’s bread section no longer than two days,” the company notes on its web site. “We use a ‘fresh bakery’ system of colored bread sack ties so you can tell when the bread was baked. Our baking days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A red tie means the bread was baked on Monday; white for Tuesday; blue for Thursday; yellow for Friday; and green for Saturday. Next time you buy Harper’s, just check the color of the bread sack tie and you'll know when it was baked. Remember, because Harper’s is all natural it will stay fresh on your counter for two to three days after purchase. However, if needed, refrigeration or freezing will extend the life of Harper’s breads and keep them fresh for you longer.”
A facility in Pocatello makes the bread.
Driscoll Management Co. owns several agricultural interests across southern Idaho.
Driscoll Brothers is an agribusiness made up of three farm operations located in Aberdeen, American Falls and Jerome, Idaho. The business grows potatoes, sugar beets, wheat, hay and corn.
Driscoll Potato is a potato packaging plant that was established in 1980. The company primarily markets Potandon Produce out of Idaho Falls.
Highway 39 is a potato partnership formed in 2015 between Driscoll Potato and SunRiver of Idaho. The partnership owns certain rights to packaging Simplot’s Innate Potato.