WASHINGTON — Following up on its popular “I Love Bread” video, the grain-based foods industry has partnered again with Parry Gripp with the introduction of “Eat a Sandwich.” Produced as a partnership between Bakery Equipment Manufacturers and Allieds and the Grain Foods Foundation, the animated music video celebrates sandwiches from hoagies and lobster rolls to B.L.T.s. The video features the same characters as “I Love Bread,” which G.F.F. said has generated more than 1.6 million views.
“We’re excited to release the second part of our content series with G.F.F. to support the whole industry and engage with consumers in a fun and unique way,” said Kerwin Brown, president and chief executive officer of BEMA. “This video will have you singing along and make you crave everyone’s favorite lunch treat — sandwiches!”
The latest video may be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFud8EWW-T4
The “I love bread” video may be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtV9Vi6tSVk
Mr. Gripp has produced many humorous videos with food themes, including a few others with grain-based themes. A video on breakfast burritos may be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prPjpwsGiws