FoodDrinkEurope provided an update on growth ambitions and policy priorities for the European food and drink industry. In the report, “Implementing the EU Food and Drink Industry’s Ambition for Growth and Jobs,” the organization stated that the industry is on track as value added grew by 3.4% between 2013 to 2014. The group hopes to increase those numbers by 2.5% to 3.5% per year by 2025.
It also outlined 12 policy priorities and recommendations that focused on areas such as trade, discriminatory food taxes, environmental concerns and jobs.
In the report, the organization reinforced the need for industrial strategies that support growth and empower businesses within the European Union (E.U.). It highlighted potential threats to the European Single Market such as renationalization and inconsistent regulatory enforcement by the European Commission. With ongoing negotiations continuing to play out, Brexit was also cited as an issue to monitor.
The group praised new science-based regulations that help manufacturers meet R.&D. challenges. New policy framework from FOOD 2030 allowed companies to better structure and scale-up research and innovation and meet goals that ensure citizens of E.U. countries have access to healthy and affordable food.
An additional emphasis was placed on sustainability and the industry’s commitment to meet targets set forth in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aims to end hunger across the globe and protect natural resources.
As Europe’s top manufacturing sector, the food and drink industry provides more than 4.2 million people with jobs and is the largest exporter of food and drink in the world. According to FoodDrinkEurope, the industry’s success hinges on five factors: a strong European Single Market; increased trade opportunities; improved R.&D.; workforce development; and supply chain communication. For a closer look at the report, click here.