In an era of tremendous transformation, why do some organizations prosper while others go down to defeat? The successful ones learn how to improvise, adapt and overcome; the others don’t.

That’s what Laurie Gorton, Baking & Snack’s executive editor, wrote recently in an article promoting the upcoming American Society of Baking conference, which will be held March 1-4 in Chicago. BakingTech’s theme this year, “Change: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome,” perfectly describes the newest members of the Baking Hall of Fame. They are Donald R. Shaffer, Shaffer Manufacturing Corp., Urbana, Ohio; Mariano, Eugenio, Renato, Umberto and Giancarlo Turano, Turano Baking Co., Berwyn, Ill.; and John J. Watson, Watson, Inc., West Haven, Conn.

Each of the honorees pioneered by persevering in their own unique ways. They not only adapted to change but also embraced it and, in many cases, drove change as well through improvisation and innovation. There’s more to come in our upcoming Sosland publications as the show nears.

Congratulations to the 2014 Baking Hall of Famers. They are truly all a class act and a class by themselves. Register for BakingTech 2014 at