Inspiration can often come from the unlikeliest of sources. Then again, sometimes inspiration can be right in front of you. When Gabriel Pasquier, founder of Le Cerqueux, France-based Brioche Pasquier, saw his sons eating his fresh-baked brioche buns with a chocolate bar sandwiched between them, the light bulb illuminated. Why not bake the chocolate into the brioche?
Today, Brioche Pasquier brings Pitch, its chocolate-filled brioche roll, to US regional markets. Currently, Pitch is the only “filled” brioche roll that is preservative free and made with non-GMO ingredients.
“Pitch is an innovative treat with high-quality ingredients that adds a fresh option in this category, and we are excited to introduce this product to US consumers,” said Avi O’Shaughnessy, marketing manager for Brioche Pasquier and Galaxy Desserts, Richmond, CA. “We are slowly introducing our brioche to key markets and working closely with retailers.” The filled brioche, which has a 14-day shelf life, is currently available in various retailers in Northern California with plans to expand throughout the US this year.
“We work in tandem with retailers to merchandise the product and also with the local community for tastings and samplings,” Ms. O’Shaughnessy said.
The company chose to market in the US the two most popular Pitch varieties: chocolate-filled and chocolate chip. More US consumer research is being conducted to develop new varieties that will complement these two best.
Brioche Pasquier is a family-owned bakery that was founded in Western France in 1936. Over the years, it has grown to become the No. 1 brioche bakery in France, according to the company. Mr. Pasquier’s five sons continued the legacy by producing the family’s authentic brioche formulas using their own traditional au levain starter and through innovative baking processes.
With a clean label and individual packaging, Pitch is geared toward “foodie” families who live active, on-the-go lifestyles and who gravitate toward upscale snacking options with international flair, Ms. O’Shaughnessy noted. Packaged in a bag of six individually wrapped rolls, the Pitch product retails for $3.99.