PENNSAUKEN, N.J. — Jerry Law has been promoted to senior vice-president of Western Operations for J&J Snack Foods, Corp. He will continue to head up all operations and supply channels for operations west of Missouri. The territory includes J&J Snack Foods’ plants and operations in Vernon, Calif.; Daddy Rays Fig and Fruit Bar facilities in Moscow Hills, Mo.; and the Fruit-A-Freeze Frozen Fruit Bar in Norwalk, Calif.
Mr. Law joined J&J Snack Foods in 1992 as an intern from Drexel University in Philadelphia. Eventually he was promoted to vice-president/general manager of Vernon, Calif., bakery operations.
"Jerry has served the company with increasing distinction and excellence," said Gerry Shreiber, president and chief executive officer of J&J Snack Foods. "His current position is reflective of my confidence in his leadership, team development and work ethic."