OVERLAND PARK, KAS. — Perspectives on how to design plants that maximize sanitation and thoughts on baking beyond the shores of the United States will be among topics addressed at the annual meeting of BEMA.
The group will gather June 18-23 at the Spring Creek Ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyo.
Sanitary design will be discussed June 19 by Albert Koch, director of engineering for the global biscuit category at Kraft Foods, and Kevin Farnum, director of the General Mills Center for Sanitation Excellence.
The overseas perspective will be offered at the BEMA international baking breakfast June 19, with a presentation by Ali Habaj, chief executive officer of Oman Flour Mills in Oman.
A "hearing from our customers" session will be held June 21 and will feature Robert Benton, vice-president of manufacturing for Flowers Foods, and Jeff Dearduff, director of U.S. Bakeries for East Balt, Inc.
Mr. Dearduff also will participate in a June 21 baking industry forum update with three other baking executives — Rowdy Brixey, regional vice-president of manufacturing for Bimbo Bakeries USA; Rich Berger, director of engineering for Sara Lee Bakery Group; and Dave Hipenbecker, divisional engineering manager for The Kroger Co. bakery/deli group engineering and plant services.