PARKER, COLO. — Six additional pieces of informational material produced by the Wheat Foods Council have been translated into Spanish.
Items just made available in Spanish are "Family Friendly Whole Grain Ideas," "List of 50 Grain Foods," "List of Fiber Foods," "Get Rich in Fiber," "Kernel of Wheat" (poster and handout), and MyPyramid mini poster. Previously translated into Spanish were two other information pieces — "Whole Grains Made Easy" and "Whole Grains for Kids."
"Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the United States, making up 15% of our nation’s population," said Lynn Holly, interim director of the W.F.C. "Translating a variety of our materials into Spanish only makes sense."
The W.F.C., noted that Hispanic households in the United States numbered 10.4 million with 62% including children under 18. The group noted that for the first time, the Census identified Hispanic surnames among the most common in the United States with four falling into that group — Garcia, 8th; Rodriguez, 9th; Martinez, 11th; and Hernandez, 15th.