WASHINGTON — Randall T. (Todd) Jones Sr., president of Publix Super Markets, Inc., Lakeland, Fla., will address the American Bakers Association this year at the group’s annual meeting. The A.B.A. also announced that two well-known journalists will headline the 2010 American Bakers PAC dinner.
The address by Mr. Jones will be delivered March 15 during the morning business session. The annual meeting is scheduled for March 14-17 at the Boca Raton Resort and Club in Boca Raton, Fla.
Mr. Jones was named president of Publix in 2007 in connection with the retirement of Ed Crenshaw. Mr. Crenshaw addressed the A.B.A. annual meeting in 2000.
“In the year after taking the helm of Publix Supermarkets, Todd Jones has faced enormously challenging economic challenges,” said Robb MacKie, A.B.A. president and chief executive officer. “He will share with convention attendees the current status of Publix markets and the company’s strategies to overcome the challenges they face.”
Mr. Jones’ topic before the A.B.A. will be “Bakers and retailers — collaboration for success.”
His career at Publix dates back to his high school days when he worked part time as a front service associate at a New Smyrna, Fla., supermarket. Later, he progressed through the company’s ranks, spending 10 years as a store manager. That was followed by assignments as a district manager, regional director and vice-president of the Jacksonville, Fla., division.
He was promoted to senior vice-president of product development in 2006 and as president in 2008. In his current role, he is responsible for the retail operations and supply chain functions at the company.
The A.B.A. also announced William Kristol and Eugene Robinson will be keynote speakers at the March 15 PAC dinner.
Mr. Kristol is editor of The Weekly Standard, Washington. He is a regular guest on Food News Sunday and frequently appears on the Fox News channel. Before launching The Standard, Mr. Kristol led the Project for the Republican Future, helping shape the strategy that ended with wide congressional gains for the Republicans in 1994. He served as chief of staff to vice-president Dan Quayle in the Bush administration and to Secretary of Education Bill Bennett under President Reagan.
Mr. Robinson writes a column twice a week in The Washington Post. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for his commentary on the 2008 presidential race.
During his career at The Post, Mr. Robinson has been a city hall reporter, city editor, foreign correspondent (with assignments in Buenos Aires and London), foreign editor and assistant manager. He has been a columnist for the op-ed page since 2005.
“These are two of the most prominent and well-respected political strategists and commentators in the nation, and we are fortunate to have them join us at the A.B.A. convention in Boca Raton,” said Steve Avera of Flowers Foods, Inc., Thomasville, Ga. Mr. Avera is chairman of A.B.A. PAC. MBN