FORT WORTH, TEXAS — In an effort to help consumers support a healthy diet, Bimbo Bakeries USA said it is adding vitamins A and E to its line of Mrs Baird's sandwich wheat bread. The health benefits are now included in Mrs Baird’s 100% Whole Wheat, Honey 7 Grain, Honey Wheat and Split Top Wheat.
“Research continues to show that consumers are more health-conscious than before and antioxidants rank high in interest, now being found in more everyday foods,” said Dan Larson, marketing manager for Mrs Baird’s. “By enhancing our line of sandwich wheat breads with antioxidant vitamins A and E, consumers have another way to support a healthy diet.”
According to Bimbo Bakeries, antioxidants help prevent and repair oxidative stress, a process that may damage cells within the body. In addition to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E also helps support skin health and the function of the immune system.
Mr. Larson said before the enhancements, there were no significant amounts of vitamins A and E in Mrs Baird’s non-fortified wheat bread products. After the enhancement, two slices of Honey 7 Grain bread contain 25% of the recommended daily value of vitamins A and E. Two slices of 100% Whole Grain, Split Top Wheat and Honey Wheat each contain 20% of the recommended daily value of vitamins A and E. The bread varieties experienced no change in taste or texture following the enhancement, he added.