MINNEAPOLIS — General Mills, Inc., through its Bisquick baking mix brand, has launched Bisquick Pancake Nation.
The web site, www.bisquickpancakenation.com, will offer customizable tools and templates for creating invitations and signs for planning pancake breakfasts, as well as a “pancake finder” for locating pancake fundraisers. In addition, the web site features a grants program that offers qualified non-profit organizations and schools an opportunity to receive a $250 grant toward a pancake fundraiser.
“We are thrilled to be able to share our passion for communities and pancakes through the Bisquick Pancake Nation,” said DyShaun Muhammad, marketing manager for Bisquick. “This program and the tools available on bisquickpancakenation.com will help fundraiser organizers plan, promote and execute fun and successful pancake fundraising events.”
Grant applications are being accepted though May 31, 2010.