MINNEAPOLIS — Cargill will collaborate with the World Wildlife Fund while assessing its palm oil suppliers in Indonesia on their progress in implementing principles and criteria established by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, Cargill said July 8. The assessment will begin in August and will involve such areas as land permitting and environmental and social practices.
Cargill will release a summary of findings after the first stage of the assessment, which is expected to be completed early in 2011. Cargill has a goal of buying 60% of its total crude palm oil from R.S.P.O. members by the end of 2010.
“We are committed to helping lead efforts to move the palm oil industry toward more sustainable palm oil production,” said Paul Conway, senior vice-president at Cargill. “We already have responsible palm oil production policies on our own plantations, and we want to play our part by working with the industry and the Indonesian government to encourage the adoption of sustainable production practices.”