WASHINGTON — Cordia Harrington, president and chief executive officer of Tennessee Bun Co., Nashville, will join George E. Deese, chairman and c.e.o. of Flowers Foods, Inc., Thomasville, Ga., and Patrick J. Callaghan, president of Pepperidge Farm, Inc., Norwalk, Conn., in a leadership panel to be presented jointly by two baking industry organizations.
The event will be held Sept. 28 at 5 p.m. at the Las Vegas Convention Center during the 2010 International Baking Industry Exposition. The panel will be a highlight of the E.L.D.C. and S.B.W. Baking Industry Leadership Forum, produced jointly by the Executive Leadership Development Committee of the American Bakers Association and the Society of Bakery Women.
Ms. Harrington founded Tennessee Bun Co. in 1996. Today, it is one of the most highly-automated bakeries in the world, producing 1,000 buns per minute, and ships to 40 states east of the Rocky mountains and to the Caribbean. Ms. Harrington also opened Nashville Bun Co. in 1999, and in 2005 acquired the Cold Storage of Nashville freezer facility.
She is a member of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Movement, Leadership Nashville, and many other organizations.
“As one of the most successful female leaders in the baking industry, Ms. Harrington will bring her own unique perspective to the panel that will be of great interest and value to all attendees,” said Miles Dennis, chairman of the E.L.D.C.
The A.B.A. said other baking industry panelists will be named later, and the group will discuss “core strengths needed by effective leaders, the importance of peer groups like the E.L.D.C. and S.B.W. to foster young executives and the value of involvement in the A.B.A. to achieve industry success and build valuable networks.”
The group also will offer insights into the outlook of the baking industry. The 90-minute forum is a ticketed event. Information may be found at americanbakers.org or by contacting Kelly Knowles at kknowles@americanbakers.org or (202) 789-0300.