WASHINGTON — Ted Redmond, a retired vice-president of bakery/deli for The Kroger Co., will be part of a panel presentation to baking groups at the International Baking Industry Exposition Sept. 28 in Las Vegas. The panel will be presented jointly by the Executive Leadership Development Committee of the American Bakers Association and the Society of Bakery Women. Mr. Redmond began his Kroger career in 1977 as a candy plant production supervisor. He held a number of positions in sales and marketing during the years the followed before being named bakery/deli vice-president in 2004. On the panel with Mr. Redmond will be George E. Deese, chairman and chief executive officer of Flowers Foods, Inc.; Pat Callaghan, president, Pepperidge Farm Inc.; and Cordia Harrington, president and c.e.o. of Tennessee Bun Co. The group will discuss core strengths needed by effective leaders, the importance of peer groups like E.L.D.C. and S.B.W. to foster young executives, and the value of A.B.A. to the industry and for business networking. The panel also will offer insights into the outlook of the baking industry. The panel is part of a ticketed event. Further information may be found at the A.B.A. web site: http://www.americanbakers.org/