BURLINGTON, VT. — James Greco, co-chief executive officer of Le Duff America Inc., will step down Dec. 27, 2011, to pursue other opportunities. Mr. Greco took on the role of co-c.e.o. of Le Duff America when the company purchased Bruegger’s Enterprises Inc. and its stable of brands in March 2011. Prior to the acquisition, he was c.e.o. of Bruegger’s, a role he had held since 2003 when he entered a partnership with Sun Capital to acquire the bagel bakery brand. David Austin will continue to lead Bruegger’s in his role as president. “Jim led the successful turnaround of Bruegger’s and established an outstanding foundation for the brand,” said Claude Bergeron, co-c.e.o. of Le Duff America. “He has been a real asset during the transition.” Le Duff America is part of Groupe Le Duff S.A., the world’s second largest company in the cafe-bakery sector.