PORT ALLEN, LA. — Horizon Milling L.L.C. recently announced it has not had a single reportable employee injury at its Port Allen facility in the past seven years, a milestone the company said “reflects the Cargill joint venture’s long-term focus on creating awareness and maintaining diligence about safe practices and behaviors.”
“Creating and maintaining a safe work environment is our top priority,” said Troy Anderson, operations leader for Horizon Milling. “For us to be successful, safety must be a shared mindset of all of our employees. The team in Port Allen is proving that reaching a goal of zero reportable injuries is not only possible, but sustainable.”
As part of its behavior-based approach to safety, the company said it conducts ongoing training, focused safety observations and peer-to-peer feedback to reinforce safe behavior and eliminate barriers to a safe work environment.
“This milestone is a direct reflection of the commitment of our employees,” said Tom Miller, facility manager in Port Allen. “It’s because of their dedication to creating a safe workplace that we’ve been injury-free for the past seven years, and we will continue to work hard to maintain this level of safety performance for years to come.”