RIDGWAY, COLO. — The Grain Foods Foundation is partnering this month with the Spina Bifida Association as part of National Birth Defects Prevention Month. The groups will remind women of child-bearing age of the importance of folic acid in the prevention of neural tube birth defects. The G.F.F. is taking a number of steps as part of its partnership, beginning with the development of an on-line course on folic acid through the S.B.A.’s SB University, a self-paced on-line educational program. The G.F.F. also will be promoting its message through proactive medial outreach. Finally, a television public service announcement created four years ago and promoting the benefits of enriched grains, will be re-released with the Spina Bifida Association logo. The p.s.a. originally had been issued jointly by the G.F.F. and the March of Dimes.