CHICAGO — The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (F.A.O.) and the Institute of Food Technologists (I.F.T.) have signed a “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)” that will facilitate cooperation between the two groups in preventing and redressing the increasing risks associated with food safety and quality and their impact on public health and consumer protection. “We are proud and honored to be able to offer I.F.T.’s collective scientific and technical expertise as a resource to F.A.O.,” said Barbara Byrd Keenan, executive vice-president of the I.F.T. “This partnership brings us closer to achieving our common goal of achieving a safe and more abundant global food supply.” Cooperative activities covered by the M.O.U. include the following: Identifying individuals for consideration in food safety, quality, and security-related expert rosters; collaborating within the organization and implementation of conferences, seminars and workshops related to food safety, emerging technologies, food science and nutrition; assisting with education curriculum development, review of university food science and nutrition programs in developing countries; facilitating development and providing scientific input on background papers, scientific perspectives and documents; and providing timely responses on public policy and regulatory issues relating to and affecting the global food supply.