WHITE MARSH, MD. — TIC Gums has launched Ticaloid Tortilla, a stabilizer made from a combination of water-binding hydrocolloids and designed to add consistency and shelf life to tortillas.
"Ticaloid Tortilla is able to improve flexibility, strength and moisture control in the finished tortilla," said Dan Grazaitis, food technologist for TIC Gums. "It also has excellent control in ice crystal formation for frozen tortilla applications."
He added the moisture control aspect may prove beneficial to food service operators who heat tortillas in steam trays or tables.
Ticaloid Tortilla may improve better-for-you tortillas, according to TIC Gums.
"The biggest shift in the tortilla market has been toward healthy, whole grain and multigrain tortillas," Mr. Grazaitas said. "This tortilla-specific stabilizer from TIC Gums adds flexibility and strength needed in these new products."