SANTA MONICA, CALIF. — Whole grains are one of the top 5 “brain foods,” according to a report from Phil Lempert, editor of “The Lempert Report” and

Mr. Lempert said eating nutrient-dense meals and snacks, and staying hydrated at regular intervals and avoiding processed, sugary foods are keys to boosting brain development, improving concentration and providing a child’s energy to make it through a school day.

“The new school year is a time to start fresh, encourage healthy eating habits and set a great example as a parent,” Mr. Lempert said. “It is important for growing children to eat a variety of foods from each food group. A well-nourished and fit child is better able to learn and has more energy, stamina, and self-esteem.”

Mr. Lempert said whole grains contain phytonutrients, folate and B vitamins that boost memory.

“Whole grains are great for kids — most notably oats, and eating oats in a not so sweet granola is a great way to get kids to eat more whole grains,” he noted. “The addition of some dried fruit and nuts balances out the meal or snack. Pack sandwiches with whole wheat bread. If your kids are not used to it, make a sandwich with half white, half whole wheat bread.”

In addition to whole grains, Mr. Lempert identified eggs as another top “brain food. Eggs are rich in choline, a vitamin-like substance that is plentiful in eggs, but also found in nuts, and helps promotes memory and brain development. Other “brain foods” included berries, grapes, apples, pears and other seasonal fruits, which are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber; healthy fats; and filtered water.