WASHINGTON — The preliminary national average price received by farmers for all wheat in June was $6.37 per bu, down 30c from $6.67 in May and down $1.04 from $7.41 in June 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said in its latest Agricultural Prices report.
The average price paid for winter wheat in June was $6.17 per bu, down 25c from $6.42 in May and down 96c from $7.13 in June 2011. The average price paid for durum was $9.04 in June, up 9c from $8.95 in May but down 14c from $9.18 in June 2011. Spring wheat other than durum averaged $7.74 a bu, down 19c from $7.93 in May and down $1.52 from $9.26 in June 2011.
The average price paid for all rice was $13.80 a cwt, equal to levels in May but up $1.70 from $12.10 in June 2011.
The June index of prices received by farmers for food grains was 213 compared with the 1990-1992 base of 100, down 2% from 218 the previous month and down 12% from 243 in June 2011.
The June index of feed grains was 265, down 3% from 273 in May but up 1% from 262 in June 2011. The average price paid to farms for corn was $6.25 a bu, down 8c from $6.33 in May and down 13c from $6.38 in June 2011. Farmers received an average of $9.95 a cwt for grain sorghum in May, down 45c from $10.40 in May and down 55c from $10.50 in June 2011.
The average price paid for oats in June was $3.62 a bu, down 50c from $4.12 in May but up 20c from $3.42 in June 2011.
The index of June prices received for oilseeds was 245, down 2% from 250 in May but up 3% from 237 in June 2011. Farmers received an average of $13.70 a bu for soybeans in June, down 30c from $14 in May but up 50c from $13.20 in June 2011.
The June index for dairy products was 123, down 1% from 124 in May and down 24% from 162 in June 2011. The average price paid for all milk in May was $16.10 a cwt, down 10c from $16.20 in May and down $5 from $21.10 in June 2011.
The June poultry and egg index was 164, up 1% from 163 in May and up 6% from 155 in June 2011. The average price paid to farmers for all eggs in June was 91c a dozen, up 8c from 83c in May and up 2c from 89c in June 2011.