For 34 years, Laurie Gorton has had your ears and eyes at Sosland Publishing, and counting an earlier job in the same field of coverage, she marks 42 years of reporting about the baking industry. Now, the current executive editor of Baking & Snack magazine retires at the end of April.
Over the decades, Ms. Gorton has visited hundreds of bakeries and snack food plants in North America and Europe. In addition to writing 2,000 articles for more than 500 monthly magazine issues, she rewrote “Baking Science & Technology, 4th ed.” You’ve seen her participate in AACC International, AIB International, the American Bakers Association, the American Society of Baking (A.S.B.), the Institute of Food Technologists and the Society of Bakery Women, plus other groups.
“Every contact I made helped me better understand what it means to be you, to be the person charged with engineering a bakery or snack food plant; with shepherding new products to market; and with safely and profitably operating a business,” she noted recently.
It is said that all things must come to an end. In Ms. Gorton’s case, that’s not necessarily true with the baking industry that she loves. In addition to other activities, she plans to remain involved with the A.S.B. and, specifically, participate on the Baking Hall of Fame Advisory Committee. But, yes, she is entering another phase of her life, and we want to wish her all of the health and happiness going forward. If you want to wish her the best, please send her a note at