CALGARY, ALTA. — An explosion shattered windows at an ADM Milling Co. flour mill in Calgary late on Nov. 28. No injuries were reported.
“Yesterday evening (Nov. 28) at approximately 6:50 p.m. Mountain Time, there was an explosion at ADM’s flour mill in Calgary, Alberta,” said Jackie Anderson, a spokesperson with Archer Daniels Midland Co. “Fortunately no one was injured, and we were able to quickly control the resulting fire with assistance from the local fire department. We are currently investigating the cause and working to assess the damage.”
The flour mill produces flour, bakery mixes, bran and wheat germ and has wheat flour capacity of 15,300 cwts and storage capacity of 370,000 bus, according to Sosland Publishing Company’s Grain & Milling Annual 2019. ADM operates seven wheat flour mills in Canada, with total wheat flour capacity of 75,200 cwts.