BARCELONA, SPAIN — Europastry has been in the business of baking for more than 30 years. In tribute to those with whom Europastry shares its profession, values and passion, the company has launched a video series that spans the five continents to share the stories of bakers around the world who see baking not only as a profession but also as a way of life.

“We are Bakers,” said Carolina Moré, marketing director, Europastry USA. “With this simple and direct phrase, we want to pay tribute to all bakers who, like us, share a passion for this profession.”

What began as a small family bakery developing a formula to freeze bread dough without sacrificing quality and freshness, Europastry is now a company driven by innovation. Today, the company employs more than 4,000 bakers in more than 50 countries.

For their new campaign, the company has filmed a miniseries in which eight bakers from different parts of the world, including those from Washington, D.C., Sigüenza, Paris and Cercs, share how they live their profession. In support of its new series, Europastry has launched a new website where these episodes can be found. More episodes will be released throughout the duration of the campaign.

“All our values are reflected under the claim ‘We are Bakers’ and the new image that has been designed with more modern, fresh and closer lines that reflect one of our strongest mainstays: innovation,” Ms. Moré said. “Without our tireless work to always stay ahead of trends and offer the most innovative products, we would not be what we are.”

Under the campaign “We are Bakers,” Europastry launches its new corporate image while remaining loyal to its traditional values of the baking profession, keeping one eye on the future and another on the past.