FAIRFIELD, CALIF. — Ryo Tsutsumi has been named chief executive officer at Calbee America Inc., the maker of Harvest Snaps and other salty snack brands.
Mr. Tsutsumi will focus on mid-term and long-term strategy, plan implementation and organizational development for the company.
“Calbee America Inc. is primed to develop a bigger footprint in the mainstream salty snacks category, and I’m proud to be at the helm of us continuing to build our flagship brands, while advancing our plant-based product development and upgrading our production capabilities to launch new products with an increased speed to market,” he said.
Mr. Tsutsumi previously served as executive officer of Calbee’s Overseas Company, Americas Group, and was responsible for managing Calbee’s US operations, among other duties. He will relocate to California from Japan, where Calbee is the largest snack maker in the country.
The company, which recently acquired Warnock Food Products, expanded into North American in 1970.
Mio Sakata, president, and Ken Murata, chief operating officer, will continue their leadership roles in the division and will be joined by Atsushi Matsuo, the company’s new chief production officer.