MIERLO, THE NETHERLANDS — GNT Group BV set 17 targets to achieve by 2030 in a sustainability report released April 19. They include cutting the product environmental footprint for its Exberry color product ranges by 25% and reducing the intensity of factories’ carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions by at least 50%.
Mierlo-based GNT also aims to train every farmer working in its vertically integrated supply chain in sustainable practices by 2030. Sixty percent currently are trained. Other goals include improving energy efficiency at factories by 30% and improving water efficiency by 20%. GNT expects to soon begin reporting on greenhouse gas emissions for 80% of Exberry products.
GNT annually produces more than 11,500 tonnes of Exberry concentrates from fruits, vegetables and other plants.
“We’re positioning our Exberry brand as the most sustainable food coloring solution on the market,” said Rutger de Kort, sustainability manager.