Budget deal includes repeal of COOL 12.16.2015 By Jay Sjerven The deal was expected to be voted on and approved by the Senate and House of Representatives on Friday, Dec. 18.Read More
SNAP reduces hunger but often runs out too soon 12.16.2015 By Laura Lloyd Study shows children who receive SNAP benefits show improvements in health and academic performance.Read More
S.T.B. reauthorization bill sent to President Obama 12.14.2015 By Jay Sjerven Bill expected to be signed into law soon.Read More
P&H plans new mill in Ontario 12.11.2015 By Staff Marks the first greenfield site flour mill to be built in Ontario in 75 years.Read More
With ruling, bakers urgently seek COOL repeal 12.08.2015 By Josh Sosland A.B.A. warns of 100% taxes on baked foods and ingredients.Read More
Secretary Vilsack notes challenge in mitigating impact of climate change on food security 12.03.2015 By Ron Sterk Comments made during Dec. 2 speech at a Field to Market event in Paris.Read More
E.P.A. final rule on biofuel requirements draws both qualified praise and flak 12.03.2015 By Jay Sjerven Rule includes volume requirements for advanced biofuel as well as total renewable fuel.Read More
Petition asks F.D.A. to revisit ‘healthy’ labeling term 12.01.2015 By Jeff Gelski Fat content currently keeps nuts, avocados, almonds and salmon from qualifying for nutrient content claims.Read More
Sweet ending: Sugar groups, corn refiners settle lawsuit 11.20.2015 By Jeff Gelski The two parties issue a joint statement, but they release no details on the settlement.Read More
F.D.A. provides guidance on voluntary G.E. labeling 11.19.2015 By Jeff Gelski Terms such as "not bioengineered" are preferred over terms such as "non-G.M.O."Read More