Our customers' success is our only goal.
Competitive pricing, quality equipment and on-time, drama-free installation are just the beginning. Superior training and extensive post-installation support will keep your facility running at peak efficiency, year after year. When questions arise, our customer service professionals will provide the answers you need. Give us a call, and discover what it's like to get the personal attention your business deserves.
Experience matters when it comes to engineering and manufacturing equipment for complex and highly specialized food and other industry processes. Founded in 1950 by five engineers that saw an opportunity to modernize processing equipment, Heat and Control has consistently pursued our founders’ original passion for helping customers improve their products ever since and has been a leader in science, technology and service from the start. Our organizational knowledge and experience allow us to approach a strategic solution most efficiently, and the level of our commitment to service and partnership is unmatched.
Shick Esteve is a complete ingredient automation provider and the only global automation systems provider focused solely on the food industry. We design, manufacture, install and service ingredient automation and flour recovery systems for customers worldwide. Our expertise includes flour reclaim systems, automation of bulk, minor/micro, liquid ingredients, and process design. Project services include engineering, project management, testing, site services and after sales support. For more information, visit www.shickesteve.com.