Milling & Baking checkoff
Millers and bakers in mid-November initiated a feasibility study to consider the launch of a checkoff program.

Checkoff program in consideration

In what could lead to an unprecedented expansion in product promotion activity for grain-based foods, millers and bakers in mid-November initiated a feasibility study to consider the launch of a checkoff program.

If approved, such a program could elevate industry spending from $2.7 million a year, the current annual budget of the Grain Foods Foundation, to $18 million or even significantly more (judging by other existing checkoff programs). The feasibility study is being conducted by the G.F.F. and is expected to last for several months.

Funded by industry, checkoff programs are designed to expand market share and increase revenue. The programs are overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as authorized by Congress, and once approved, require industry-wide contributions for activities aimed at promoting the industry.