BATTLE CREEK, MICH. — The Kellogg Co. on Friday said it will donate an entire day’s worth of cereal production to Feeding America, a hunger relief food bank network. The donation of 3.5 million lbs of cereal, valued at approximately $10 million, amounts to more than 55 million cereal servings, Kellogg said, and will include such cereals as Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran, Product 19 and Crispix.
"Kellogg Co.’s donation of a full day’s production of cereal to our food banks is tremendous news," said Vicki Escarra, president and chief executive officer of Feeding America. "Right now one in eight Americans are struggling with hunger and it is critical that we keep our food banks well stocked. Cereal is especially needed because it is convenient, shelf-stable and nutritious."
David Mackay, president and c.e.o. of Kellogg, called the donation "unprecedented" for Kellogg.
"We wanted to dig a little deeper to help those Americans struggling to put food on their tables during these tough economic times and encourage others to give if they can as well," he said.
In addition to the cereal donation, Kellogg is encouraging consumers to join in the fight against hunger. Beginning June 17, consumers may visit to help feed a family in need as well as help fill their own pantry. For every donation of $5 or more to Feeding America, Kellogg will give consumers $5 in coupons towards their next purchase of Kellogg’s cereal.
Over the past 10 years, Kellogg has donated more than 224 million lbs of food to Feeding America.