Yet recent scientific research heralds the positive role dietary fiber plays in boosting satiety and suppressing appetite to aid weight loss or control programs. This food component has long been recognized for reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Many natural foods such as grains, cereal products, fruits and vegetables contain fiber as an integral component. Boosting the natural fiber content of baked foods and snacks with added dietary fiber offers an attractive approach for developing new products. The ingredients involved are many and varied.
The ingredients assembled in this Tech Showcase feature recent introductions and a sampling of existing products that enhance the dietary fiber content of baked foods and snacks.
(952) 742-7575 and (877) 765-8867
ActiStar resistant starchprovides a process-tolerant fiber source that enables an “excellent source” health claim for fiber. Because it is 85% dietary fiber (dry basis), the type-4 resistant starch allows calorie reduction and has a clean, bland flavor. It has good digestive tolerance and is stable during heat and extrusion processing.
Barliv Betafiberconcentrated soluble fiber has been shown in clinical trials to reduce cholesterol when consumed as part of a diet low in saturated fat and low in cholesterol. A concentrated fiber derived from whole-grain barley, it supports the FDA-authorized claim that consumption of beta-glucans may reduce the risk of heart disease. This patent-pending product offers high purity (greater than 70% beta-glucan) and low-molecular weight, which makes it low viscosity.
Horizon Milling GrainWise wheat aleuroneallows incorporation of the nutritional benefits of whole grains into processed foods. It helps preserve the pleasing sensory qualities — soft texture, high volume, mild taste and light color — that consumers enjoy in foods made with white flour. It carries 45% dietary fiber along with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and beneficial phytochemicals.
MaizeWise corn branboosts dietary fiber in bakery formulations at low to moderate inclusion rates. Its impact on flavor, texture, color and processing characteristics is minimal.
Oliggo-Fiber inulinacts as a bulking and masking agent that provides body and mouthfeel enhancement to foods. This soluble fiber also can be used as a fat mimetic.
(866) 961-6285
Hi-maize resistant starchdelivers 60% natural insoluble dietary fiber. It replaces flour while maintaining the finished product’s taste, color and familiar texture. It is fermented by beneficial bacteria within the large intestine and significantly increases short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including beneficial butyrate, while reducing harmful pathogens. The company also offersHi-maize whole-grain corn flour.
NutraFlora short-chain fructooligosaccharides (sc-FOS)delivers 95% prebiotic dietary fiber and is derived from beet or cane sugar using non-GMO ingredients and a traditional natural fermentation method. It is a soft, white powder that is completely soluble in water and about 30% as sweet as sucrose. It is a gentle fiber and easily tolerated compared with other fermentable fibers. Because its short-chain structure is only consumed by beneficial bacteria, its dose is very low, making it easy to add to foods.
Purimune galactooligosaccharides (GOS)delivers 90% prebiotic galactooligosaccharides and is derived from lactose using non-GMO ingredients and a traditional natural fermentation method. It is also completely soluble in water and is 30 to 35% as sweet as sucrose. The most concentrated form of GOS commercially available, it performs well in baked foods and snacks.
(800) 255-6837
Litesse polydextrosepromotes digestive health. A nondigestible soluble fiber, it promotes satiety, can be used in reduced-sugar or sugar-free applications and is well-tolerated and suitable for diabetics. It carries only 1 Cal per g and comes in liquid and dry forms. Many scientific studies support its efficacy.
(716) 693-4040 and (888) 698-1936
JustFibercomprises a line of fibers derived from white wheat, bamboo, cottonseed, sugar cane, pea, oats and potatoes. These flavorless, odorless ingredients perform consistently to reduce calories and provide 99% total dietary fiber. They contain no digestible carbohydrates and no fat. The oat fiber also comes in organic form.
Fibrex sugar beet fiberprovides moisture retention and texture to bakery foods. The gluten-free fiber is a natural combination of one-third soluble and two-thirds insoluble dietary fiber. The soluble portion contributes to reducing blood cholesterol and balancing blood sugar levels while providing positive digestive benefits. An organic style is also available.
Solka-Floc powdered celluloseis highly purified cellulose backed by 85 years of use as a functional ingredient. Composed of beta-1, 4-glucan units, this ingredient is white, odorless, flavorless and comes in varying particle sizes.
(866) 547-2122
FiberRite RW resistant wheat starchis a cooked version of Fibersym RW and carries 75% dietary fiber (dry basis). It performs as a partial fat replacer and lowers caloric content. It has a neutral flavor, white color and smooth texture and can be easily incorporated into baked foods and snacks.
Fibersym RW resistant wheat starch, a type-5 resistant starch, provides 85% dietary fiber (dry basis). Described as a nearly invisible source of fiber, its low water-holding capacity allows enhanced crispness of finished products and ease of formulating at higher levels of inclusion.
(800) 553-7035
Nutriose soluble fiberis derived from either corn (Nutriose FM) or wheat (Nutriose FB). It offers non-GMO and natural label claims, and the corn-based version is not a major allergen. An invisible sugar-free fiber, it has no taste or sweetness and can be easily incorporated into most baked foods and snack application. Several clinical studies verify its nutrition aspects.
(781) 276-5100 and (800) 353-6782
Barley Balance beta-glucan concentratecontains more than 25% beta-glucan and greater than 35% total dietary fiber. At appropriate levels, it supports a health claim for reducing the risk of heart disease. It promotes satiation and aids in weight loss. With a low glycemic index (GI), it improves glycemic control. It forms a soft thermo-reversible gel, enabling preparation of reduced-fat baked foods.
Canadian Harvest stabilized bransare derived from oats, red wheat, white wheat and yellow corn. The line includes full-fat wheat germ and a red wheat bran blend. The heat-treated brans extend the shelf life, nutritional content and flavor of baked foods. They contribute a desirable nutty flavor and add bulk to reduced-calorie products.
SunOpta Canadian Harvest oat fiberis the company’s signature product. Available in several grind sizes and with water-binding properties that range from low to high, this line of ingredients offers fiber content of 77 to 97% (dry basis). Along with their nutritional benefits, oat fibers enhance the texture, moisture retention and shelf life of many baked foods and snacks and will add strength and flexibility to fragile items.
SunOpta pea fiberderived from yellow pea hulls carries at least 90% dietary fiber (dry basis) and is non-GMO and gluten-free. Its moisture-binding properties improve shelf life in baked foods. Creamy white in color, the ingredient conveys a smooth mouthfeel and bland flavor. An organic version is made from yellow and green pea hulls.
SunOpta soy fibermaintains the bright white color in white bread while boosting fiber content. It carries 92% dietary fiber while an organic style offers 65% fiber plus 20% soy protein. They enhance texture, control moisture, optimize processing yields and reduce calorie count.
(800) 526-5728
Promitor soluble corn fiberis a prebiotic soluble fiber that integrates into existing formulations without changing the taste or texture. It is well-tolerated, with a low glycemic index (GI), and is clean-tasting and water soluble. It has a 70% minimum dietary fiber content. Newer versions offer higher fiber and less sugar, making it suitable for no-sugar-added applications. Promitor comes in two varieties: 70 and 85, with the number denoting fiber percentage. A liquid form of the 70 product is available as is a dry agglomerated version, 85A.
Sta-Lite polydextrose, a soluble dietary fiber with prebiotic properties, serves as a low-calorie bulking agent. At only 1 Cal per g, it also has a low GI and can be used to provide body and texture to reduced-calorie, no-sugar-added and high-fiber foods.
(203) 932-3000 and (800) 388-3481
Perfect Grainblends micronized wheat germ and bran in their naturally occurring proportions. A proprietary milling process reduces particle size to colloidal dimensions. The baker then recombines Perfect Grain in the proper ratio with patent flour to prepare a functional whole-grain flour. The company also extended its micronization process to high-fiber cereal fractions such as corn bran and others.