OTTAWA — Production of all wheat in Canada was estimated down 2% from the July forecast and down 17% from 2009, while canola outturn was expected down 4% from July and down 16% from last year, Statistics Canada said today in its September Estimates of Production of Principal Field Crops report.
Based on data collected from Sept. 1-9, Statistics Canada lowered production estimates of all wheat, canola, barley, oats, flaxseed, dry field peas and dry beans but raised estimates for corn and soybeans from its previous forecasts based on data collected in July and released in August.
“Farmer comments reported that cool and wet conditions delayed seeding in some parts of the Prairies and wet weather in September was reported to be delaying the harvesting of crops,” Statistics Canada said. “Since the survey was taken, widespread frost has been reported on the Prairies and the resultant effects on final yield and production will be reflected on the November survey.”
Total Canadian wheat production was estimated at 22,204,800 tonnes, down 2% from 22,659,000 tonnes forecast previously and down 17% from a revised 26,847,600 tonnes in 2009, Statistics Canada said.
By class, production of spring wheat other than durum was estimated at 16,494,200 tonnes, down 3% from July and down 11% from 18,452,100 tonnes in 2009, durum at 3,043,500 tonnes, down 2.5% from July and down 44% from 5,399,600 tonnes last year, and winter wheat at 2,667,100 tonnes, up 4% from July but down 11% from 2,995,900 tonnes in 2009.
Statistics Canada forecast 2010 canola production at 10,430,200 tonnes, down 4% from 10,867,100 tonnes forecast earlier and down 16% from an upwardly revised 12,417,400 tonnes in 2009.
Flaxseed production was forecast at 537,200 tonnes, down 6% from 570,300 tonnes in July and down 42% from 930,100 tonnes in 2009.
Oats production was forecast at 2,320,600 tonnes, down 3% from the prior forecast of 2,392,200 tonnes, and down 20% from a revised 2,906,100 tonnes in 2009 and down 46% from 4,273,000 tonnes in 2008.
The 2010 barley crop was forecast at 8,258,600 tonnes, down 3% from 8,488,000 tonnes forecast earlier and down 13% from 9,517,200 tonnes a year ago.
Dry field pea outturn was estimated at 2,777,700 tonnes, down 10% from July and down 18% from 2009. Dry edible bean production was estimated at 237,800 tonnes, down 2% from July but up 6% from a year ago.
Corn production was forecast at 10,864,900 tonnes, up slightly from 10,822,900 tonnes in July and up 14% from 9,561,200 tonnes in 2009.
Soybean outturn was estimated at 4,028,400 tonnes, up 2% from 3,951,200 tonnes in July and up 15% from 3,506,800 tonnes last year.