HOUSTON – Riviana Foods has expanded its Minute Rice product lines through new flavors like hot honey chicken seasoned rice cups and long grain and wild seasoned rice with herb cups as well as sticky rice cups.

The hot honey chicken seasoned rice cups combine a savory chicken flavor with medium heat and a subtle sweetness of honey, melded with paprika, turmeric and red peppers. The long grain and wild seasoned rice with herb cups feature a fusion of long grain and wild rice enhanced with a savory seasoning of onion and garlic and finished with zesty herbs. The sticky rice cups allow consumers to enjoy sushi and poke preparation without having to cook sticky rice, according to Houston-based Riviana Foods.

“With a keen eye on consumer trends and wants, Riviana Foods is thrilled to present an expanded selection of delicious Minute Rice cups choices,” said Erica Larson, director of marketing at Riviana Foods. “These latest releases establish Minute Rice as a brand that addresses the diverse preferences of consumers, offering varieties that align with current trends, classic flavors and everyday convenience.”