KANSAS CITY — Hostess Brands, Inc. is partnering with the American Red Cross on a social media fundraising campaign. The company is encouraging its customers to post photos incorporating the American flag to Twitter, Instagram or directly to www.hostesscakes.com along with the hashtag #HostessSupportsRedCross. Hostess has pledged $1 for every photo posted across these platforms up to a total of $50,000 to the American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces.
To support the campaign, Hostess is bringing back its Red, White and Blue Twinkies and Star Spangled Cupcakes for the summer, co-branded with the American Red Cross.
Burke Raine, senior vice-president and c.m.o. at Hostess Brands |
“We are delighted to partner with the American Red Cross in this meaningful initiative,” said Burke Raine, senior vice-president and chief marketing officer at Hostess Brands. “Hostess is an icon that has been intrinsically linked with American pop culture for almost a century. It is important that we give back to our community — both by celebrating our national holidays and by supporting our most vulnerable citizens.”
In addition to fundraising efforts, Hostess products will be donated to Red Cross Blood Donation Centers U.S.-wide for post-donation snacks.
“There is nothing more red, white and blue than supporting the men and women who have answered their country’s call to duty,” said Koby Langley, senior vice-president for Service to the Armed Forces at the American Red Cross. “The Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces division is very fortunate to have Hostess Brands as a partner in support of the military community.”