Volkmann’s Mini Rip and Tip (RNT) Bag Dump Station provides automated sack tipping for loading small volumes of bulk materials and ingredients into a process. Applying the same modular design as the company’s higher volume bag dumping stations, the Mini RNT accepts up to 40 liters of powder, pellets, granules and other dry solids in a hopper, then automatically discharges the material for transfer. Manual handling of heavy bags, drums and barrels is reduced, worker safety improved and production efficiency streamlined.
“Lifting and carrying bags of flour, sugar and other ingredients is standard practice in most bakeries, but it’s not a great way to attract and retain workers, especially when it’s become so easy to automate manual tasks at a reasonable price point,” said Dave Nichols, vice president, sales and marketing for Volkmann. “With this Mini RNT, a bag can be emptied into the hopper, then automatically transferred and discharged into a mixer or hopper via a sanitary vacuum conveying system.”
Typically specified as a companion for the company’s pneumatic vacuum conveying systems, the Mini Bag Dump Station is suitable for loading virtually any dry material in modest volumes such as minor and micro ingredients and small batches in laboratory settings.
(609) 265-0101 • www.volkmannusa.com