RIDGWAY, COLO. — David Green, director of quality control and laboratory services of ADM Milling Co., Overland Park, Kas., has been elected 2011-12 chairman of the Wheat Foods Council.
Mr. Green has been involved with the W.F.C. for many years and served as chairman in 2000-01.
“Dave has been a great asset to our board as vice-chairman,” said Judi Adams, W.F.C. president. “His common sense, financial acumen, and sense of humor will be important leadership assets as we move forward with an exciting new public relations plan focusing on the nutrition community.”
At ADM, Mr. Green has overseen corporate quality programs over the last 24 years at the company’s 24 U.S. mills. His responsibilities include crop surveys, wheat blends, customer correspondence and specifications.
Before joining ADM, Mr. Green was a crop scout flour miller and mill lab technician with International Multifoods Corp.
A native of Akron, Ohio, he holds a bachelor's degree from Ohio State University. He is a member of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, the American Society of Baking and the Wheat Quality Council.
Elected vice-president of the W.F.C. was Brent Robertson of the Nebraska Wheat Board. Mr. Robertson, who was treasurer/secretary and liaison to the Grain Foods Foundation marketing committee in 2010-11, operates farms in Perkins, Lincoln, and Chase Counties, Neb. He and his wife raise irrigated and dry land wheat and corn.
Elected W.F.C. treasurer/secretary for 2011-12 was Erica Olson of the North Dakota Wheat Commission. Ms. Olson has been with the N.D.W.C. since 2006, where her current duties encompass promotion activities for foreign buyers including trade team arrangements, providing quality and supply and demand information to customers, statistical and market analysis, providing marketing information to producers and assisting with communication efforts.
Immediate past chairman of the W.F.C. is David Moore of the Texas Wheat Producers Board. A native of Dumas, Texas, Mr. Moore is a commodity broker at Tejas Trading in Amarillo, Texas.