WASHINGTON — The American Bakers Association voiced disappointment over a vote in the U.S. Senate against an amendment that would have reformed the government sugar program. The amendment was one of many proposed in connection with the 2012 farm bill, passed by the Senate June 21. “The Senate unfortunately affirmed that it is ‘business as usual’ in Washington by voting against reforming the outdated sugar program,” said Robb MacKie, president of the A.B.A. “Instead of passing a measure that could have saved bakers and consumers over $3.5 billion a year in higher sugar costs, the Senate voted to continue a program that prevents bakers and other food manufacturers from reviving the economy.” Mr. MacKie expressed gratitude to “the many Senators” who voted in favor of the amendment and called upon the House to “embrace the opportunity to reform the sugar program and allow bakers to expand their business and create jobs.”