Shaking up the marketplace can mean more than creating buzz in the typical environment. And there’s no better place — or time — for buzz than an election year, according to Joanie Spencer, editor/managing editor, in the May issue of Baking & Snack magazine. She reported that The Kellogg Co. is using the 2016 presidential campaign as a platform for promoting 22 varieties of Pop-Tarts through its Pop the Vote campaign.
Throughout the year, store shelves may see as many as 30 Pop-Tart flavors, and Pop the Vote was developed to bring awareness to the line. The company partnered with Spoon University, an on-line food trends resource aimed at and managed by college students across the nation. Part market research, part social media, the site curates contributed content from thousands of students on more than 100 campuses.
Pop the Vote kicked off in January with a survey of college students’ Pop-Tart preferences as well as thoughts on the election year ahead, followed by on-campus sampling events across the country. After all, Pop-Tarts are a portable product popular with college students, most of whom are participating in their first presidential election.
“‘Candidate profiles’ were developed, and Pop-Tarts encouraged fans to embrace the election atmosphere by learning more about the variety of flavors, maybe try something new and vote for their favorite to become the first-ever Pop-Tarts president,” said Angela Gusse, director of marketing for Pop-Tarts.
At, consumers can view profiles and vote for their favorite flavors. The winning candidate will be announced on the web site later in the year. As the 2016 election kicks off, don’t only vote with your mind or heart. Vote with your stomach (even if you can’t stomach a candidate).