Time flies; that part of the adage is true. But in my experience, it doesn’t really matter if you’re having fun or in the trenches. It just keeps racing by.
It seems like yesterday my kid was gearing up for preschool, the industry was heading to IBIE 2013 and we were launching Bakingbusiness.com, the official web site that Baking & Snack shares with our sister publication, Milling & Baking News. It was all new to us then, and Baking & Snack didn’t even have an editor dedicated to the web.
But someone must’ve hit the fast-forward button because Sosland is already hard at work as the official media provider for IBIE in 2019, and Baking & Snack and Milling & Baking News just launched a new, improved Bakingbusiness.com on an all-new platform.
We’ve come a long way in five short years. As a researched-based publication that focuses on everything happening inside a bakery plant, we have learned that creating shorter, up-to-the-minute content has been somewhat of a learning curve for us. After all, we cover an industry that’s rooted in tradition and often slow to change. But we’ve been doing our homework, and we know the tides are going to turn as we usher in a new generation of bakers and industry allieds. While print is still the No. 1 way readers use our magazine, digital is gaining ground, and today, we stand ready.
We spent the better part of a year developing this new site with readers in mind. We built in features such as personalized content and enhanced search capabilities, not to mention a clean design, to make the user experience better than ever.
With dedicated digital media staff, we are constantly developing ways to bring our in-depth editorial coverage to life on the web. You can still count on our print publication to bring you the best educational tools from the best in the industry. Just look at this month’s plant feature, where editorial director Dan Malovany comes to you from France and walks you through La Mie Caline. And peruse through our technology features for the latest innovation in bar production, ranging from formulating and R.&D. through handling a multi-textured, sticky dough for this product that’s sweeping a multitude of categories in baked foods and snacks.
When you’re done jotting down notes in the margins and earmarking your favorite pages, browse Bakingbusiness.com to see the latest videos, slideshows and web exclusives, and look for new interactive enhancements to the features you see on the pages here.
Yes, time flies. My kid reminds me of that with every passing school year, and your customers and consumers are more than happy to remind you, too. As you find new ways to change with them, we will remain your industry partners every step of the way, and that was our motivation behind the new Bakingbusiness.com.
Of course, as with any new start-up, the web site may have the occasional kink to work out. Be patient with us, but don’t be afraid to reach out with your feedback as you navigate it. Happy reading, clicking, tapping and learning!