NEW YORK — Conclusions from the National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs were mixed for RxSugar, a product containing the rare sugar allulose. The NAD on Nov. 15 said the brand name RxSugar does not suggest the product is prescription grade but recommended Nutrishus Brands, Inc. modify or discontinue certain claims.
The Sugar Association, Inc. challenged the claims.
The NAD said Nutrishus should discontinue the claim RxSugar is “real sugar ... just like your traditional sugar, except for one piece. It is missing one particular molecule, so the body doesn’t recognize it as sugar.” Nutrishus also could modify the claim to illustrate the chemical differences between RxSugar and sugar.
Allulose is chemically distinct from sucrose (table sugar) and differs from sucrose, including how allulose is metabolized in the body. The US Food and Drug Administration in 2019 said it will use enforcement discretion to allow allulose to be excluded from the total sugars declaration and added sugars declaration on the Nutrition Facts Label.
The NAD also said Nutrishus should modify the phrase “plant-based certified sugar” to make it clear the certification process pertains to the plant-based attribute of RxSugar products.